Lessons learnt from 2022 World Cup in Qatar by Malcolm Erhazele


Every four years, people from all over the globe come together to witness the most prestigious and competitive football competition in the world. Those who can't travel to the host country or countries connect via various media to experience the gifts football brings.

In 2010, Qatar won the bid to host the 2022 world cup competition. They accepted the task with joy and began preparations. A small country with a population less than that of Edo State, located in the middle of the Desert succeeded in hosting one of the best World Cups the world has ever witnessed. The stuff of dreams.

Despite the controversies and political issues, Qatar was resolute to give us a fine show. A fine show they gave.

There are lessons here, and I've done my best to highlight some without being a bore.

Lesson One, shove critics and focus on the goal. Sepp Blatter, The ex-President of FIFA, came out to admit that it was a mistake choosing Qatar to host the world cup, majorly because of its size. He said "It's too small a country. Football and the World Cup are too big for them." Qatar proved to the world that big dreams can be achieved by anyone. All you need is focus, determination, and resources (Qatar has Money).

Lesson Two: You can do it all without compromising your beliefs and values. As an Islamic country, there are some values the Qataris hold strong. An example is their firm stance against the LGBTQ practice. Qatar was seriously pressured to allow and promote LGBTQ campaigns during the world cup. Human rights groups wrote to FIFA, they threatened to shut down the world cup, among other things. Yet, they stood firm in their beliefs and resisted the bullying. For the first time in a long time, we watched a football competition devoid of agendas. Football should bring nations together, not used as a tool to promote divisive agendas.

Lesson Three: Delay is never denial. Lionel Andreas Messi, the little boy from Argentina dreamt of winning an international trophy for his people. After losing several finals, his time came at last. Messi wanted to retire after losing the Finals of the 2016 COPA America to Chile. Still, he picked himself up and continued the struggle. Fast forward to 2021, he won the COPA America and a year later, we are celebrating his world cup glory. So the point is, keep fighting, keep pushing, and your flowers will come.

Lesson four: This article won't be complete without mentioning the exploits of Morocco. Morocco reminded the world that African teams can compete on the big stage. With the right leader and a team of true believers, we can do the impossible. Presently, our country needs excellent leadership, leaders with vision. The 2023 general elections are around the corner. Get your PVCs and vote for the right leaders, please.

Lastly, I must end this article with a piece of health advice. If you are hypertensive, please avoid watching highly-tensed matches and supporting football clubs known for breaking hearts without a well-controlled Blood Pressure. Know your health status and take good care of yourself. Arsenal fans, please take note. Thank you.

Author's biography:-

Malcolm Erhazele is a content writer, blogger, and medical trainee from south-south Nigeria. He is currently the lead content creator at legitinfo.com.ng and one of the few Arsenal supporters who believe they can win the EPL this season. When he is not writing/reading, he is praying for better days and for the gunners to touch a UCL trophy.

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