Man, by nature is a political animal. He is a social creature with the power of speech and moral reasoning, as described by Aristotle. The role of Christians in politics is invaluable and necessary for the growth and development of a nation. Politics is described by many as a dirty game. A trend made worse partly due to the lackadaisical attitude of good Christian folks. When good men avoid politics, incompetent leaders emerge, and our society suffers.

The Church, for example, is an institution made up of various groups in which one can function and develop the capacity needed to mold and build a leader. With this, a Christian in politics possesses the skills and right mind to profer solutions and ensure that the system works again.

The Church is also a bridge between divinity and the masses, a means to achieve a collective gathering of people, also propagating unity in diversity. Christians are obliged to embrace the political world and avail themselves as tools of greater change and global development. In the words of the famous Indian Lawyer, Mahatma Gandhi, “ be the change you want to see in the world". The change starts with us.

 For how long are we going to put up with the nonchalant attitude?

 By us being Christians, we are morally upright beings capable of upholding honesty, fairness, and respect for the rights of others and the law. If all of these are replicated in governance, we can achieve the positive change that we all earnestly crave.

Politics cuts across all spheres of life, be it education, economics, and society. The active participation of Christians in politics cannot be overemphasized. 

Yes, not all are called by God to become leaders, but some are destined to and we must support them. For the propagation of Christ's gospel, every individual must be willing to get involved.

As Christians, we are obligated to serve as an epitome worthy of emulation, be it in leadership or as followers. Government exists to provide and promote good living, we all form the government and share in this responsibility. We are at the lowest point in the history of our Nation at this point, active participation in politics and nation-building is needed, all hands must be on deck. Dante Alighieri once said, 

"The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain neutrality in times of moral crisis."

Josephine Enaholo.

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